Thursday, October 31, 2013

Happy Halloween! :-D

So, I've been totally slacking on this thing. Sorry about that.  Working 2 jobs has kept me crazy busy!  In honor of today being Halloween, I'm just going to post some pictures from this past weekend of festivities in Athens: Halloween weekend is what Athens/OU is known best for.  I worked a super fun climbing competition on Friday (everyone wore their costumes of course) and did the usual people watching and taking pictures on Saturday.  Unlike most people around here, I don't drink crazy amounts of alcohol on Halloween weekend. 

Finally got a haircut on Friday!  And since I donated to Locks of Love, I didn't even have to pay for it!  Still tipped the awesome hairstylist of course.  :-)  I love my shorter hair! 
This is my favorite pic from the weekend: my friend Tyler (dressed as Deadpool) and me (dressed as Black Widow) posing in fighting stance at the climbing competition.
I found more Avengers! :-D
Ray was supposed to be Hawkeye... He kinda' slacked on his costume.  :-p
Pac Man! :-D
Ray with his little brother Dan (far left, as Indiana Jones) and his brother's friend Vince (middle, as Jesus)
posing with a pretty awesome toy soldier