Monday, April 1, 2013

A super crazy training run

On Tuesday I set out to run about 22-23 miles, including the Lakeview trail around Dow Lake in Athens, Ohio.

It started off as the perfect day to run: some sunshine, but a little bit of cloud cover and a pleasant temperature.  The first hour went by with wonderful conditions. When I got about a mile into the trail, though, everything changed.  The wind began to blow pretty hard and ice pellets (not just snow, but ice pellets) tumbled from the sky.

The trail itself was extremely muddy.  It was like running through a creek at times.  And the actual creek crossings were so large that I had to crawl across a log in 2 spots.

As soon as I got off of the trail, the ice pellets came down even harder, and giant snowflakes mixed in.  The wind was going crazy.  A couple groups of people packed up their stuff and zipped out of there as quick as possible.  I was now officially the only crazy one in that park.

As I began the trek home, the precipitation died down a tad, but the wind was still relentless.  As I started to make my way up a large hill, a rather large dog came barreling out of nowhere barking angrily.   I picked up the pace a bit, thinking, 'Make it go away, make it go away.'  I really need to start carrying that dog repellent stuff.  Luckily, it lost interest.

A cyclist showed up when I was about halfway up the hill, also making his way up.  "Great day to be outside huh?"  "Sure is!"  It's always comforting to know there are other insane people out there.

About an hour(ish) later, I finally arrived back home to my wonderful fiance, my favorite flavor of Greek yogurt, and a wonderful hot shower! 

Yay distance running!  :-)

Running: you're doing it right!  :-p  

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